Analysis of the reasons for the unclear picture of the camera lens



People in the security industry are familiar with lenses because they are exposed to them at work. It is an indispensable front-end component in the installation of the security monitoring system. The high performance of the monitoring system depends on the perfect match of cameras and lenses. In the monitoring project, if the professional skills of users or construction personnel are insufficient, the selection and installation of cameras and lenses are unreasonable, which will directly affect the overall effect of the system. The following summarizes the main reasons for the unclear monitoring image.

1. Electronic signal interference

Inside the camera is a highly integrated system that is more susceptible to interference from external electronic signals. If the monitoring screen appears beating or striped, it may be that the camera is interfered. When installing, be careful to keep away from the source of electronic signal interference.

2. The focus is not adjusted clearly

After the zoom adjustment of the lens, the focus should be adjusted accordingly. Within a certain depth of field (sometimes it may be small), it can be clearly focused. If the focus is not clearly focused, the focus may not be adjusted to the best position.

3. There is a problem with the electronic shutter or white balance setting

When the camera leaves the factory, various adjustment devices are generally set in the best default position. If there is no special need, it is best to keep the default settings unchanged during installation.

4. The pixels of the camera and the lens do not match

The realization of the high performance of the camera depends on the perfect match of the camera body and the lens. The most important point is that the target surface size and resolution are consistent.

For example: 2 million pixels, 1/1.8-inch target high-definition lens, even if a 3 million pixel, 1/2.8-inch target camera is used, the displayed picture is not as good as using a 2 million pixel, 1/1.8-inch target camera clear.

下一篇:Possible simple exceptions and handling methods










